Safety… Do it for Life!
Edmonton Exchanger Group of Companies believes that every employee and subcontractor has the right to a safe and healthy work environment. We are committed to providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and productive work environment and achieve this through comprehensive health and safety programs, continual learning and improvement strategies.
Our goal is and will always be to achieve and maintain an incident rate of zero.
In fulfilling our commitment and achieving our goal, all management, supervisors, employees and subcontractors have the responsibility to adhere to, and comply with all applicable legislation, policies, procedures and safe work practices. This includes ensuring appropriate training and the competency of our workforce, and identifying and eliminating all foreseeable hazards which may result in personal injury or illness, property damage or accidental loss. Every effort will be made to care for the physical assets of Edmonton Exchanger, our clients and subcontractors.
Edmonton Exchanger management, supervisors, employees and subcontractors shall take reasonable care to protect and maintain the health and safety of themselves, fellow workers and others that may be present including the general public from injury, harm or loss including psychological, physical and social wellbeing.
Edmonton Exchanger recognizes that accountability is paramount to our continued success and will demonstrate this through visible commitment to safety, quality and productivity. We trust that you will join us in promoting a safety culture where all Edmonton Exchanger employees and subcontractors are committed to health, safety and wellbeing as a way of life.